Modern, smart
& extensible
cloud IDE

CodeSchool is powerful IDE in the cloud with
additional features only a cloud application can give you.

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What makes us top-notch

Fast speed

Requires negligible internet speed ony while compiling the code, no backround data is needed.

Free to use

No signup charges, the IDE is free to use for lifetime with extnsive support from the team.

Mutiple support

No restriction to use it only on one device, you can use it anywhere anytime just by logging in.

Get Started

Points to note


CodeTasty radically simplifies our daily tasks, which gives us more space to focus on what’s important.

~Akarsh Jaiswal

CodeSchool radically simplifies our daily tasks, which gives us more space to focus on what’s important.

~Akarsh Jaiswal

CodePen radically simplifies our daily tasks, which gives us more space to focus on what’s important.

~Akarsh Jaiswal


